The CBI has taken over the investigation into the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy, which resulted in 68 deaths in June last year. Following the Madras High Court's criticism of the CB-CID's handling of ...
CHENNAI: A day after taking over the probe into the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy which claimed 67 lives, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) sleuths began their investigations from the scenes of ...
Steve Perez, boss of £50million drinks company Global Brands which owns the iconic 'Hooch' lemon alcopop, was left in an induced coma for three weeks after suffering 'severe burn injuries'.
When one thinks of any Golden Age, the first thing that comes to mind is the 17th-century Netherlands at its glory – the Dutch Golden Age.
Willie Dixon was the undisputed Poet Laureate of post-war Chicago blues music. His undoubted talent as a wordsmith probably stemmed from the fact that, as a youngster growing up in Vicksburg ...