Beis Chana Tzfas High School held its annual Bnos Hashluchim Chanukah Camp, one of the school's prominent highlights. The ...
When working for the Rebbe, tax season was year round. There was no end to taking stock, to reflect on the work undone. The Avner Institute presents two recollections – one by the Chief Rabbi of Haifa ...
As the holiday of Chanukah approached this year, I couldn’t help but think of the parallels of the war that the Maccabees fought against the Greeks with our current battle as Jews fighting ...
On this Chanukah, menorahs will be lit not only in the land of Israel, from Jerusalem to Gaza, but in Lebanon and on the heights of Mt. Hermon overlooking Syria. Vacationing families will visit ...
Last week, anti-Israel activists crashed Arkansas Chabad-Lubavitch's annual outdoor menorah lighting celebrating Chanukah, while Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott and city and state police all stood ...
Attendees from 37 countries spanning four continents will hold discussions with key decision-makers, influencers and philanthropists.
“You’re nervous going to sleep, nervous waking up, nervous checking your phone,” says Elton. “That’s what it means to be ...
It wasn’t just any menorah among the thousands that the Chabad-Lubavitch movement erects every Chanukah in public locations around the world. Teichtal, the Chabad rabbi in the German capital ...
Presenting the sketch chosen to represent Season 20: "Weekend Update: Adam Sandler on Hanukkah” starring Adam Sandler and ...
Stories of surviving the Holocaust circle the globe to this day, and one of those stories comes from siblings who attend ASU.
Artist Marla Buck believes that “behind an expression of any art form, there needs to be an emotive, even transformative, ...
Swig, President of Swig Equities, was honored to join Rabbi Velvel Butman, Co-Director of the Lubavitch Youth Organization to light the world's largest Chanukah Menorah on December 26, 2024, the ...