We knew that this past Shabbat was not going to be an ordinary day of rest, but we didn’t know how harrowing it would be.
When we focus so relentlessly on the 46% who hate Jews rather than the 54% who don’t, which number are we really helping?
The U.S. president-elect stated that his team "will continue to work closely with Israel and our allies to make sure Gaza ...
God was not in the fire, but God’s voice is within us, guiding us through yet another Hurban, another destruction, calling on ...
Good and evil is now a daily dose of reality. Displacement and loss are beyond imagination, while care and donations feed ...
In some measure this experience has a distinctive Jewish component to it, as many of the affected areas are densely settled ...
As we become more isolated from each other in our communities, as we spend more time with screens than with neighbors, it’s ...