Black currants -- once nearly eradicated in the U.S. out of fear they harboured a threat to the lumber industry -- are making a comeback. Popular in Europe and Asia, the small black berries are high ...
Since the advent of the mobile phone, landlines find themselves in a battle to stay relevant and necessary. Once a technological revolution, today there isn't much a landline can do that a cell phone ...
Single-camera production has been used as early as the 1960s. But the technique has become popularised recently by shows like "30 Rock," "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "Weeds." The main ...
Like sports tournaments, video game tournaments can be organised using a number of structures. Each tournament structure has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses. Ladder tournaments often are ...
The human body is an exquisite machine, partly because it maintains functionality in a variety of environments. Humans can thrive in conditions ranging from the arctic to the equator, and with a ...
Statistics presents information in a useful manner that is easily understood by people. It's difficult for some a person to comprehend numbers such as 2,000 out of 6,000, but if you told him 1 out of ...
When a study's population of interest is massive, the standard sampling procedure -- random sampling -- becomes unfeasible. In such a case, researchers must use other forms of sampling. One such form ...
StrongSeal, created by Cetco, is made of recycled tire rubber, which is better for the environment than Tyvek because it keeps tires out of landfills and limits petroleum extraction. It is also ...
Fuses are used to protect electronic gear. Aftermarket car stereos, like those made by Pioneer, come equipped with a fuse, either plugged into a slot on the back panel of the stereo (normal for ...
Warming water for dishwashing or showers is the job of the home's hot water boiler. Many components work with the boiler assembly, including the water flow switch. This switch has testing procedures ...
Economic sanctions are one of the political tools used in international relations. The reasons for use vary, as do the benefits and drawbacks. Obvious disadvantages exist for the country that is ...
The flaky layers of puff pastry are a major part of a variety of desserts, from pies to turnovers to Brie coverings. Pastry adds both texture and an added touch to the final look of a dessert. However ...