The memorial to Albert Einstein, situated in an elm and holly grove in the southwest corner of the Academy grounds, was unveiled at the Academy's annual meeting, April 22, 1979, in honor of the ...
Betty Diamond was born in Hartford, CT and grew up in New York City. She attended Radcliff College where she majored in Art History. She attended Harvard Medical School, and performed a residency in ...
Simon Tavaré is a statistician recognized for his work at the interface between the mathematical sciences and the biological and medical sciences. He is known particularly for probabilistic and ...
Marius Clore FRS is a Distinguished Investigator in the Laboratory of Chemical Physics at the NIH. He is a molecular biophysicist known for pioneering three-dimensional structure determination of ...
Our group's research focuses on protein design as an approach to understanding macromolecule structure and function. Our primary research interest is in the de novo design, in which one designs ...
My current research topics are in the fields of econometrics and economic theory, specifically, the economics of aging, savings behavior, demographic trends, housing mobility, dynamics of health and ...
Edward Buckler is a Research Geneticist with the Senior Scientific Research Service at the US Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service, and he is an Adjunct Professor of Plant ...
Dominique Bergmann is a developmental biologist recognized for her work using the stomatal lineage as an elegant system for the exploration of cell fate, cell signaling and cell polarity in plants.
The J. C. Hunsaker Award, established by Professor and Mrs. Jerome C. Hunsaker, honors excellence in the field of aeronautical engineering. The award is presented with a $50,000 prize. This medal is ...
The structure and function of ion channels with emphasis on K+ channels is the subject of my research. These integral membrane proteins mediate the passive flow of K+ ions across cell membranes, ...
Ehud Isacoff is a biophysicist and neuroscientist recognized for his work on membrane signaling proteins, synapses and neural circuits. Born in Darmstadt, Germany, Isacoff grew up in Israel, Boston ...
Randall W. Engle, went to W. Va. State College. He received his Ph.D. from Ohio Statein 1973. His first academic position was at King College after which he moved to the University of South Carolina.