Gulbarchyn Madraimova, a resident of the Alay district, has transformed from a craftswoman into a successful entrepreneur, inspiring many along the way. In 2021, taking her first bold step into the ...
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Photo: Nadiia Surovtsova, the first woman to head an independent structural unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, initiated the role of the Ministry’s spokesperson Kyiv, 27 December 2024 ...
The UNDP “Youth Employment” project keeps investing in the establishment of new educational workshops to enhance competency-based education in Armenia’s vocational education and training institutions ...
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This summary is generated by Google AI, and its accuracy and relevance may vary. Please consult the detailed list of results for greater precision.
This summary is generated by Google AI, and its accuracy and relevance may vary. Please consult the detailed list of results for greater precision.