Change how the message list is displayed in Outlook - Microsoft …
You can change the appearance of the message list and reading pane in Outlook. Email in the message list can be displayed as individual messages or grouped by conversation.
Create, change, or customize a view in Outlook - Microsoft Support
Each Outlook folder, such as Inbox and Calendar, allows you to customize your view to change fonts, the organization of items, and many other settings. What would you like to do?
Customize the Outlook window - Microsoft Support
For example, to create more space to see your mail and calendar items, you can hide some elements. Within each view, you can also move, add, remove, or resize columns so that …
What's new in new Outlook for Windows - Microsoft Support
Your mail, calendar events, contacts, and settings will be stored on your device, so you can view them even when you're offline. Additionally, you can perform key actions on your mail, such as …
Feature comparison between new Outlook and classic Outlook
Mar 11, 2025 · We've put together a feature coverage matrix to help you and your teams understand what's available and coming soon, compared to what exists today in the classic …
Use and configure the Reading Pane to preview messages
Turning on 'always preview messages' will display the most recent message in the reading pane when navigating to another folder. With this feature turned off, the first time navigating to a …
Change the look of your mailbox in Outlook.com and Outlook on …
You can quickly change the appearance of the message list and reading pane in Outlook so it looks and behaves the way you want.
View email messages by conversation in Outlook - Microsoft …
View your Outlook email messages arranged by conversations to see messages that share the subject line grouped together.
Switch to new Outlook for Windows - Microsoft Support
If you're not interested in trying the new Outlook for Windows just yet and don't want to be a part of this one-time switch, in classic Outlook go to File > Options> General > New Outlook …
View internet message headers in Outlook - Microsoft Support
Most of the time, only an administrator will need to view internet headers for a message. If you want to add a header to your email message, see Apply stationery, backgrounds, or themes to …